Table Cell Does your car smell like an old sock?
Are you sneezing?
Come in for an Aircon check.
You might need a regas
Table Cell Do you have animals in the car?

Insects all over your windscreen?

Leave the window open a crack.
Park in the shade.

Make sure you have good
screenwash and use it!

Table Cell Frozen windscreen

Trouble starting?

Cover up the screen the night
before with some cardboard.
Get a good icescraper and
some deicer next time you
come in.
Make sure you have good
screenwash and use it only
once the car is warmed up.

Come in for a free battery

Table Cell Slipping and sliding? Slow down and slow down
some more.
Get some snow tyres.
Table Cell Got smears all over you windscreen?

Wipers juddering?

Clean your blades with warm
water with a little soap.
Pop in and we’ll change your
wipers. Make sure you have
good screenwash and use it!

Time to change your wipers.

Table Cell Can’t see? Put your fog lights on and slow
right down.

Switch off your fog lights the
moment you are clear.

Table Cell Are you being blown off course? Slow down and be aware of
other road users. Take your
time and avoid high bridges.